Friday, January 29, 2016


Ginger ( zingiber officinale Roscoe ) comes under the kingdom plantae. Ginger is one of the healthiest foods. It is loaded with lots of nutrients and minerals that our body needs regularly.

Ginger gives pungent and spicy flavor to our food. It have pungent odour so we usually avoid it. Once if you know what miracle it does to your digestive system you may start eating the raw ginger.

It has the long term history of curing digestive disorder like nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and motion sickness. GINGEROl is bio active components found in ginger. It contains powerful anti oxidant effects.

ginger health benefits

Ginger also contains anti inflammatory properties. Inflammation is the physical condition in which part of the body becomes swollen, reddish as a reaction to infection. It means our immunity system is fighting against the disease and we got injuries. In that scenario ginger aiding to cure inflammation and taking back our body to normal state.

It enhances fat digestion and absorption easily. From heart health to weight loss ginger takes the first place.


Cures digestive problems

Anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties

Treats morning sickness

Gastrointestinal relief

Stomach pain

Cures headache

Prevents ovarian and colon cancer

Reduce muscle pain and soreness

Boosts immunity power

Control blood sugar level

Reduce heart diseases risk

Decreases stress

Reduces menstruation pain

Gingerol gives the unique flavor. A study conducted in Denmark says ginger replaces the pain killers. It had the capability to control the pain and works faster than pain killer tablets.

Ginger powder induces cell death in ovarian cancer.

Gastrointestinal problems:

Now a days we could see even small children and young peoples digestive system slows down and creating problems like bloating, stomach pain, dizziness, motion sickness. In fact a study conforms ginger replaces Gravol which is commonly prescribed for gastrointestinal problems. 

Try to replace normal tea with Ginger tea. Hope you guys will follow this at-least for a month.

Heart block can be cured without Angioplasty:

Small garlic extract, lemon extract, ginger extract should be mixed together and drinking this in the early morning for 30 days cures 90%  blockages. 


Nutritional value:

Ginger contains 
  • Proteins
  • Vitamin c
  • Vitamin B6
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Folate
  • Niacin
Ginger clears micro circulatory organs of the body clearing sinuses and throat related infections. 

How to use ginger in regular diet:

Use ginger in dal. While cooking your favorite briyani and other fried rice add it in little amount.

Use with chai and tea

Take ginger along with your desserts.

To beat cold and flu,  squeeze the little ginger along with boiled water. Drink with gut. 

Storage : 

Without removing the skin of the ginger you can store in refrigerator for one or two weeks.  


So aware of your diet and live happily. Have a great day.